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Includes Platinum Package


This package provides complete protection and enhancement for your car's interior and exterior, ensuring lasting beauty and durability.


The exterior undergoes a full decontamination and clay bar treatment, followed by a machine polish to improve paintwork by 40-50% and reduce scratches. A premium ceramic coating is then applied, delivering deep gloss, a darkening effect, and long-lasting protection.


Wheels, including barrels, arches, and calipers, are deeply cleaned with the wheel faces ceramic-coated.


Glass is polished and coated with a ceramic layer for outstanding water repellency.


Trims are permanently restored, exhaust tips polished to a mirror shine, and the engine bay thoroughly cleaned and dressed for a flawless finish



The interior receives a full detailed clean with deep vacuuming, steam cleaning and full upholstery shampoo on all fabrics. All hard surfaces are cleansed and coated with a protective dressing.


The leather is deep cleaned and protected with an abrasion resistant coating which helps against dye transfer, UV rays and other discolorations. 


Odour bomb to completely sanitizing & de-odouring all areas such as inside the AC system, the ventilation system and into every fiber of fabric in the interior. 

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The goal of this package is too offer a detailed clean with all the bonuses of protection for both in the interior & exterior. The exterior will get further machine polishing not only to boost gloss but will also locate and remove or reduce any scratches (not a full paint correction).

As often the interior is forgotten about when it comes to protection which can have massive benefits such as stain prevention as liquid & other grime sit on top of the leather instead of absorbing in.

The exterior is protected all round with extreme hydrophobic self cleaning properties to give a long lasting shine.

£240 - £260

   Size Dependent 

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